fast moving water at Millet Falls waterfall

Nova Scotia hiking trails with waterfalls – Millet Falls, waterfall pictures

Falls Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada

Nova Scotia hiking trail that leads to Millet Falls starts as a gravel road at first. When you reach an open area with a large pine tree to the right of that tree, hiking trail winds through the forest. Relatively large forest road to the left of the pine tree goes along the Mint River upstream, and you can hike it later after you enjoyed Millet Falls and taken lots of waterfall nature pictures.

NS hiking trail with waterfall, Millet Falls
Millet Falls, beautiful Nova Scotia Waterfall
Road through the forest leading upstream of Millet Falls
Forest Road along the Millet Falls, Nova Scotia hiking trail

Nova Scotia forest is dense with lots of fallen trees, especially after winter. It is a good idea to plan a trip and have appropriate waterproof footwear as well as a good bag for your camera. There could be lots of moisture on the ground, dew, or fog on the branches. Before taking nature pictures, examine the camera for dust or condensation. Be prepared for Nova Scotia hiking trails through the forest, and you will make some great waterfall pictures.

Late spring is the best time in Nova Scotia for exploring hiking trails with waterfalls and taking waterfall pictures because the rivers are full and flowing well. In the fall, on the other hand, many brooks and streams dry out, and waterfalls turn into a slow trickle. Before you reach Millet Falls, you go through Nova Scotia Forest with many large pine trees. Look around, and you may find a nice view and take beautiful landscape pictures, or maybe detailed nature pictures. Light is essential in the forest; try to arrive at a time of day close to sunrise and sunset.

Fallen trees near hiking trail in forest, outdoor pictures
Hiking trail around fallen trees, nature pictures
Nova Scotia outdoor adventures hiking trail in the forest
Nova Scotia hiking trail, forest landscape picture

Once you reach the waterfall, take your time, and enjoy the scenic landscape. The hiking trail runs along the river, so walk along with it and see the waterfall from different angles. This way you can find the best spots for taking waterfall pictures. When shooting nature pictures in the forest, remember to check the frame for obtrusive branches and twigs when composing the image. Pay attention to details, and frame your waterfall picture tightly to avoid unnecessary cropping later.

Taking water images is always a delight for any photographer. With waterfall pictures, you can set the shutter speed to 1/20 to 1/30 of a second. This will create an abstract art photo effect of a smooth waterfall. To capture a waterfall falling water with great detail of individual droplets, use a fast shutter speed of above 1/250. It depends on the speed of the falling water. Plan a trip, study your camera, and learn its settings; this will make taking nature pictures or water images on location easy and efficient.

Outdoor adventures in Nova Scotia, hiking trail picture
Tall trees and moss on the hiking trail, nature landscape
woodpecker nests - forest nature picture
Hiking trail discovery – tree trunk with woodpecker nests, nature pictures

Explore Nova Scotia outdoor adventures, and there are many beautiful hiking trails with waterfalls suitable for all levels and ages.

Beautiful forest of pine trees near the waterfall
Large pine trees by Millet Falls, Falls lake Nova Scotia
Outdoor adventure hiking trail near the river
A hiking trail follows the river and waterfall
Falls Lake and Millet Falls
Millet Falls and Mint River flowing into Falls lake
Strong flow of the river, whitewater and rapids, Millet Falls
Water rushing through waterfall cascade, spring nature picture
Waterfall pictures, Millet Falls Nova Scotia
Water falling at Millet Falls, waterfall pictures
Whitewater and fast river current, spring
River landscape, a strong current in the spring
Nova Scotia outdoor adventures
Full river and rapids near Millet Falls
Water falling, nature pictres
Waterfall picture – beautiful scenery of Nova Scotia
Waterfall picture of Millet Falls
Millet Falls waterfall picture

   01.07.2020  by FPImages


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