High desert landscape and snow covered mountains at Morongo Preserve

Enjoy great nature while hiking at Big Morongo Canyon Preserve

Big Morongo hiking trails

Big Morongo Canyon is named after a native Indian tribe and is very close to the famous Palm Springs in the Coachella Valley. This nature preserve is large and has well-developed hiking trails. The Marsh Trail is a boardwalk and is suitable for wheelchairs. There are various birds and animals to see depending on the time of day and season. Big Morongo preserve offers escape from the heat of the desert because of its elevation.

Hiking trails map of Morongo nature preserve
Big Morongo Canyon Preserve Trail System Map
Nice view from the boardwalk
Big Morongo Canyon Preserve landscape near the Marsh trail

The entrance to Big Morongo Canyon Preserve is just off Highway 62. It is open every day until sunset, the gate opens at 7:30 am. The kiosk near the entrance has a map of the trails and some brochures describing the birds, animal tracks, and plants. The preserve has water, and this is a major draw for all the animals in the surrounding desert. These desert springs make it possible for large trees to grow here. You will find lots of cottonwoods, willows, sycamores, and of course, California fan palms. Bird walks are an excellent opportunity to learn from local guides about the wildlife. They usually happen every Wednesday and Saturday morning. Visit www.bigmorongo.org for more details and information about other events.

Most people are familiar with the name Morongo from driving along Interstate 10 by Cabazon. There is a huge sign there inviting you to visit Morongo casino and buffet. The visit to Big Morongo Canyon Preserve is a chance to learn more about the history of this area. The exhibits and brochures explain essential facts about nature, geology, and people. This preserve helps us get closer to our roots and better understand the ecosystem’s fragility. It also provides an excellent getaway from the busy city life, an opportunity to relax, cool off and wind down.

Wheelchair suitable Marsh trail boardwalk
Transition from flat landscape to mountains
Flatland landscape changing to hills


Single California fan palm
Single California fan palm
leafless cottonwood tree during winter season
Old cottonwood tree in winter
Interpretive exhibit describing doodlebugs ant lions
Explanation about doodlebugs ant lions
Dry tree trunk near the hike
Dry tree trunk near the hike
Mountain lions warning
Warning about the presence of mountain lions
Picture of different animals tracks
Animal tracks educational poster
Water feature in the canyon
Water pond in the high desert is a source of life
Easy to read trail markers
Wooden signs for various trails
Hiking path at the nature preserve
Hiking path at the nature preserve
Rocks towering above the hike
Picturesque rock formations
Dry Curved tree branch
The nice curve of a dead tree trunk weathered by the sun
Wooden sign for Mesquite trail
Hiking trail sign showing the direction of Mesquite trail
Footpath for hiking in the canyon
The hiking trail follows the canyon
Snow covered mountains landscape
Beautiful scenery of Big Morongo Canyon Preserve
Old cottonwood tree
Large cottonwood tree (Populus fremontii) near education center
Boardwalk near tall California Fan Palms (Washingtonia filifera)
California Fan Palms (Washingtonia filifera) – native palms of Southern California

   17.10.2023  by FPImages


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