Pretty bell tower with small dome and a larger blue dome with golden stars

Beautiful Russian Church in Cannes is full of history

Cannes, France

The church is named after St. Michael the Archangel and is a short walk from the famous Cannes waterfront. The actual street address isĀ  40 boulevard Alexandre III, which is about 500 meters from the eastern end of the promenade. St. Michael, the Archangel Russian Orthodox church in Cannes is a fascinating historical building with many artifacts. The church architecture is typical for Russian churches with pretty blue domes.

St Michael the Archangel painting above the entrance
Frescoes greet visitors to the church

The memorial plaque at the entrance tells the story of church construction. Skripitzin’s family donated the land, and the church foundation was laid on May 5th, 1894. The members of the last Russian royal family also participated in the process, including Nicholas II himself. St. Michael, the Archangel church in Cannes is kind of a monument to the tsar Nicholas II and his relatives. There are several tombs in the basement where the Grand Dukes of Russia – Peter and Nikolas, are buried with their wives. Now 100 years after the 1917 revolution, a visit to the Russian Orthodox church in Cannes can help us better understand the past and the people that lived back then.

blue dome with a cross
The beautiful architecture of the building with blue domes
Stained glass inside the building

Candles burning inside above the altar
wooden kiosque for souvenirs and church related things
Small gift shop in front of the church
Bronze plaque mentioning Nicholas II
Memorial plaque explaining when the church was built and who participated( including Nicholas II and his cousins)

   17.10.2023  by FPImages


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