DO AC sand sculpting world cup 2014, 20 sand castle summer pictures

DO AC sand sculpting at Atlantic City beach people photos

DO AC sand art sculptures, Atlantic City beach summer pictures

Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA

DO AC sand sculpting world cup 2014 ran for several days starting at the end of June 2014. FPImages continues to present more summer pictures from this annual event in Atlantic city. Sand artist Rich Varano created an amazing sand castle inspired by the Game of Thrones.

Game of thrones sand castle made by sand artist Rich Varano, USA
Detail of a sand sculpture by Rich Varano, USA
Atlantic city beach - Rich Varano sculpting his sand castle
Atlantic city beach – Rich Varano sculpting his sand castle

DO AC sand sculpting competition was a true international event. Canadian sand art sculptors were well represented. French Canadian sand sculptor Melineige Beauregard works under the sun at Atlantic City beach near Steel Pier. She was one of the winners in this sand castle competition. She and her fellow French Canadian sand artist Jonathan Bouchard won doubles sand sculpting competition. Jonathan’s sand sculpture Back Bone of Life impressed both judges and visitors.

Sand Artist Rich Varano, USA sculpting Game of thrones, Atlantic City

Photography tips and photography ideas for beach summer pictures:

sand castle competition 2014 atlantic cty and one of the winners Canadian sand artist Melineige Beauregard
Canadian sand artist Melineige Beauregard, one of the winners of DO AC sand sculpting world cup
People looking at Canadian sand sculptor Melineige Beauregard
People looking at Canadian sand sculptor Melineige Beauregard

1. Try to get the sun behind your back when taking beach pictures.

2. Use polarizing filter to reduce glare and enhance skies.

Sand sculpture artist at sand castle competition
Sand sculpture artist, Atlantic city beach near Steel Pier
Atlantic city beach
Official at DO AC sand castle competition, Atlantic City beach

3. Use long focal length to isolate details.

4. For people photos during street photography use fast shutter speeds.

Atlantic city, New Jersey beach sand sculpture competition and Russian sand artist Pavel Mylnikov
Russian sand artist Pavel Mylnikov and his work Daydreaming Little Girl
Detail of a sand sculpture by Russian sand artist Pavel Mylnikov
Detail of a sand sculpture by Russian sand artist Pavel Mylnikov

5. Create beach pictures at sunrise and sunset.

6. Always attempt to see identify unique beach scene

Absecon Lighthouse made from sand
Atlantic City beach sand statue of Absecon Lighthouse
sand castle competition 2014 atlantic cty
DO AC sand sculpting at the beach

7. Pay attention to light and shadows, remember to experiment.


Sand artist sculpting
Sand artist sculpting, Atlantic City beach
one of the winners of DO AC sand castle competition - Canadian artist Jonathan Bouchard
DO AC sand castle competition, one of the winners – Canadian artist Jonathan Bouchard



People photos - Jonathan Bouchard sand artist
Jonathan Bouchard from Canada sculpting winning entry
Canadian sand artist Jonathan Bouchard and his amazing sand art - Back Bone of Life
Canadian sand artist Jonathan Bouchard and his amazing sand art – Back Bone of Life
Rusty Croft sculpture artist setup umbrella to work in the shade
Sand Artist Rusty Croft, USA working under umbrella
Sand artist Rusty Croft, Atlantic City beach
Sand artist Rusty Croft, Atlantic City beach
Beach summer pictures - abstract sand art
Abstract sand art

   12.04.2024  by FPImages


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