Nova Scotia winter storm is a great chance to take beautiful winter pictures
Nova Scotia’s winter of 2015 turned out to be one of the snowiest winters in recent years. It was also a winter that had sustained temperatures below freezing and that caused a lot of snow accumulations over time. Major snowfall winter photo story Usually, Nova Scotia winters have many freeze and thaw cycles that allow […]
Atlantic City boardwalk damage caused by climate change and hurricane Sandy
Atlantic City boardwalk was badly damaged by superstorm Sandy. It is generally agreed that this storm intensity was enhanced by climate change that caused unusually warm ocean waters off the US coast. Atlantic city boardwalk damage was mostly fixed and repaired. However, if you go beyond Revel casino in the direction of the inlet you […]

Identify and Take Abstract Images During Hiking, 12 Abstract Art Images
A hiking trail is usually a place where you take scenic nature pictures, waterfalls pictures, or pictures of wildlife. However, if you keep your eyes open and pay attention to details, you can find a lot of subjects suitable for abstract art or industrial images. FPImages shares a series of black and white photos taken […]
Silence and Stillness of Salton City
When one hears the word ‘city,’ the images that rush to mind are busy streets, people commuting to work, and the lines of cars waiting at the traffic signals, to mention a few. However, a trip to Salton City can be quite an eye-opener. The empty streets, dilapidated buildings, and the vacant seashore are some […]

Salton Sea: Sad Icon of an Ecological Tragedy
Like a photograph reminding one of the old times, the Salton Sea awakens the memories of the great times filled with busy marinas, exciting water-skiing games, and concerts. Once a trendy holiday destination, the area now tells tales about the good old days of active tourism and a vibrant party atmosphere. The motels, frayed walkways, […]
Oil Rigs at Long Beach Crude Oil Production, 10 industrial images
Long Beach California and crude oil production these two do not go together right? Actually, oil rigs were pumping Long Beach crude oil since the 1920-s. These oil rigs may take visitors by surprise when driving to the LAX along la Cienega boulevard or near posh Naples Island in Long Beach. To plan a trip […]

Hoover Dam Hydroelectric Power: Great Industrial Engineering Project
Hydroelectric power is a renewable source of electrical energy that is priceless in the age of high fossil fuel costs and climate change. Engineering pictures of this post show details of the great industrial engineering project – Hoover Dam. Falling water energy is converted to electricity via turbines and generators. Moving water and does not […]
Green Energy by Industrial Wind Turbines in San Gorgonio, California
Green renewable energy and renewable resources are the buzzwords of today. It is no surprise that industrial wind farms are appearing everywhere. In the USA alone, thousands of windmills are being built, and about 5,600 megawatts of capacity will be added in 2011. Green Wind Generators Photo Gallery Wind continues to be appreciated as a […]