tall sequoias reaching for the skies

Abstract Images taken at Sequoia National Park

Sequoia National park

Sequoia National Park is a truly magical place and giant redwoods that live for thousands of years represent the symbolism of eternal life, wisdom and reaching for the skies. Abstract images taken at Sequoia National Park will deliver these powerful concepts. Beautiful abstract images will make great desktop backgrounds, they can produce amazing giclee or poster abstract art wall decorations.

Rock texture formed by numerous polygons, strong lines, shapes and shadows
Rock texture – strong geometrical lines and shapes
Small pine tree reaching the clouds forwing from granite rock
Contrasts in nature

Modern digital printing technology allows us to print abstract images on wallpapers or windows curtains. When you plan a trip to Sequoia National Park remember to look for details and experiment with taking images that convey various abstract concepts.

Photography ideas for abstract images are everywhere when you hike through giant redwoods forest. Look for natural patterns and rhythms, shapes and lines, light and reflections, shadows, and highlights. Sequoia National Park is located high in Sierra Nevada mountains and there are many rocks and stunning rock formations weathered by time and elements. Rocks are usually associated with being stable and steady.

Redwood tree bark
Sequoia bark texture
Old Redwood tree grows a new branch, new beginnings
Symbol of rejuvenation – sequoia tree growing a young branch

Trees and especially sequoia trees convey different abstract concepts. When you look at these silent giants that have been here for thousands of years you can just feel the eternity and power of nature. Sequoia trees are one of the largest in the world and can be used to illustrate abstract concepts of reaching for the skies, power, and cycle of life.

Bark texture is very special and will make an excellent desktop background or other abstract art objects – giclee, poster, etc.

 small sequoia seedling trying to grow in a mature forest
Young sequoia symbolizes youth and new life
Small sequoia seedling in a redwood forest

Photography tips and photography ideas for taking abstract images in the forest:

1. Use a long focal length to isolate details and create an abstract image.

Green moss against rock texture
Contrasts in nature
Amazing strong lines and shapes in nature
Giant Sequoia – burnt out the middle of the tree overgrown with a huge bark

2. Find an unusual point of view.

3. Capture tree bark texture or rock texture with high depth of field and use tripod.

Strong lines and bark
abstract art of light and shadows in sequoia forest
Beautiful play of light and shadows on bark

4. Take nature pictures at sunrise and sunset.

5. Find unique patterns and rhythms, lines and shapes, light and shadows, remember to experiment.

Sequoia tree against blue sky
Sequoia giant forest high angle view
Fallen and decaying sequoia tree, hole in the middle
Natural decay – old sequoia tree trunk with a hole
Abstract patterns of sequoia roots
cycle of life in the forest
old tree in the forest provides for new growth

   01.07.2020  by FPImages


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