Details of a table with knife, fork and cups, meal that stretched forever

Twentynine Palms is a great off the beaten path high desert escape for abstract art photography

Twentynine Palms, California, USA

If you would like to escape it all and have some time off, get away from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles, then plan a trip to Twentynine Palms. This is a small town in a high desert location just north of Joshua Tree National Park.

Abstract images of an borken and decaying swing in the desert
Broken and decaying swing
twentynine palms dirt road
Sand road to a cottage

This off the beaten path location is an excellent retreat for anyone enjoying some quiet time, nature, and fresh clean air. To plan a trip to this and to really get a desert living experience stay away from big hotels – there are a few there catering to the visitors to Joshua Tree national park. A good alternative is Airbnb – check out their site. You can find many beautiful homes and cottages there to fit any budget.

Many of these vacation homes will be located off the main roads and accessible only via sand streets, but do not be concerned. These dirt roads are fine for all vehicles. just pay attention to the signs that say “Road not maintained”. Some of the street names are painted on wooden posts and have faded and not easy to spot.

detail of a house wreck near 29 palms
Abandoned house in the high desert
Old wooden table and house side with paint peeling off
The abstract scene at an abandoned home

When planning a trip to Twentynine Palms try to arrive during the daytime. This will make your search for the cottage much less stressful – there are no street lights at night.

If you like photography this will be a great opportunity to practice taking abstract art images. If not, then just enjoy the desert landscapes, beautiful nature, rest, and relax.  This is a perfect place to sit under the stars at night and ponder about the meaning of life.

Broken toilet tank decaying in the desert
Old house in the desert landscape
Deserts landscape – electric posts, rusty water tanks near the house

Somewhere along these sand streets, you will see abandoned homes and wrecks overtaken by nature.

You can find scenes of breakfast taken maybe 10 or 20 years ago, people long have gone and nature slowly consuming, processing, and erasing our traces.

Nature will recycle and erase all human traces
Nature recycling human leftovers
House falling apart in the desert the natural cycle

The high desert has many features that contribute to excellent abstract art photography – clean crisp air and abundance of various textures. Desert sand ripples, old dried out wood, intricate patterns of desert plants. Take your time to walk around and you will start noticing these small details.

Photography tips for abstract art photography:

Pattern of old rusty tin cans on the desert sand, abstract art photography
A bunch of tins cans exposed to desert elements
urban decay
an abandoned home in the desert

Do not think about composing the images, take lots of pictures based on your feelings, sort, and think later.

Get up early for sunrise light, or wait for sunset to get the most out of desert light.

Colorful broken glass – a reminder of the human presence

Remember to experiment with an aperture for opposing depth of field effects.

If you have a tripod use it in low light situations.

Experiment with bracketing modes for high dynamic range photos.

Clean the lens from the dust and other particles.

   17.10.2023  by FPImages


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