Superstition mountains rocky ridge

Spectacular Superstition Mountains in Arizona Wilderness, 15 nature pictures

Apache Trail, Arizona, USA

The Superstition Mountains are within an hour’s drive from Scottsdale, Arizona. Looking for things to do in Arizona? Road trip ideas should include the Superstition Mountains for great hiking and taking nature pictures. If you like outdoor adventures, plan a trip to Superstitions, grab your camera, and you will replenish your photo gallery with incredible landscape photography. The mountains have a desert climate, and there will be various desert plants to photograph as well.

Superstition Mountains landscape picture
Superstitions Mountains museum and Elvis memorial chapel
Elvis memorial chapel and the Museum Sign with the Superstition Mountains landscape

The superstition Mountains and its rock formations have a majestic presence and seem to tell tales about the history of the land. The Superstitions offer an outdoor adventure off the beaten path. People vacationing in Phoenix or Scottsdale can easily plan a road trip. The scenic route is pleasant, and nature is breathtaking. Make a stop and enjoy the desert and mountains landscape. There are many opportunities for landscape photography. You can get many beautiful nature pictures for your photo gallery collection.

As suggested by the name, there are tales that the mountains hide a legendary gold mine. When planning a road trip consider stopping at Superstition Mountains Museum. Museum tells a history of gold mining in the mountains. There is a chapel that was in many movies about the Wild West. One of the films even starred Elvis Presley, so now they call it Elvis memorial chapel.

Remarkable Arizona Wilderness Landscape
Superstition Mountains Wilderness
Mountains weathered by erosion in desert climate
The Superstition Mountains Arizona Rugged Terrain

The mountains are extremely popular among nature enthusiasts and backpackers. There are many hiking trails with varying degrees of difficulty to suit amateur and experienced mountain climbers and hikers. The Wilderness area offers a grand view of the exciting landscape and diverse desert plants. The region is also home to an extensive network of trails. The Apache Trail, an old Indian trail, offers a great view of the rugged and scenic landscape. One can even get a rare glimpse of bald eagles soaring through the Arizona sky.

Desert striking scenery and mountains landscapes features stay in one’s mind after a trip to the Superstition Mountains in Arizona Wilderness. The natural attributes of the area offer a fascinating contrast to the daily hustle and bustle of city life. The ghost town of Goldfield takes one back to the Old West and is the entrance to the mountains.

Desert landscape around scenic route, Saguaro Cacti
Scenic Route Surrounded by Deserts Landscape with Saguaro Cacti
Desert Saguaro forest and desert plants near the Mountains
The Saguaro forest and desert plants near the Superstition Mountains

The mountain itself is a prominent subject of many photographs and landscape pictures. Many people attempt to take the grandeur and intensity of the mountains range through their camera lens back with them. If you still have time after this, you can plan a trip a little bit further down the same road to discover true desert gem – Salt River and Canyon Lake.

Photography tips for mountains landscape photography:

Rugged Mountains
rugged cliffs
Jackass Flats and Arizona Flag near scenic route
Local Arizona Attractions near the Superstition Mountains – Jackass Flats

1. Try to arrive at sunset or sunrise to get the best light.

2. Set shutter speed to fully control the depth of field.

Arizona Flag at Jackass Flats
Arizona Flag in the desert
Saguaro Cacti and the Mountains
Saguaro Cacti and the Mountains

3. Use tripod or support camera in low light situations and if you use bracketing modes for high dynamic range photos.

4. Having a wide-angle lens will allow dramatic shots,

Burro rides, Gift shop and Snack Bar sing at Jackass Flats
Jackass Flats and Goldfield sign
Old Rusty Sign for a Refreshment
This stop takes you back in time

5. Move around to get a different perspective of the subject of your nature photo.

5. Use a macro lens for pictures of delicate desert plants.

Superstition Mountains Museum Sign
Superstition Mountains Museum
Elvis Presley memorial chapel
Famous Elvis memorial chapel

6. Always check the lens for dust or condensation, especially in the morning or after getting out of air-conditioned spaces.

   17.10.2023  by FPImages


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